Get more followers on social media

These days each person or business likes to increase their followers because it helps them to have a larger network. So, they do different things to achieve this goal.

You may wonder why it is so important to have more followers in social media. There are some reasons that help you understand this concept.

  • when your audience grows you gain more credibility
  • it will be an increase in blog traffic
  • you gain more opportunities
  • you get more connections
  • it may help you to sell your products better
  • there will be an increase to spread your content
  • you become more confident

Getting familiar with some of benefits of having large number of followers may intrigue you to increase your followers and you may ask how you can do that? Here is some of many ways to reach that:

You should be consistent: you need to practice over a long time to be effective and if you don’t have enough time to spend on these techniques its better to choose some and stick with them.

You should know what your audience really wants: you should know that there is a difference between your favorite posts and your follower’s favorite ones. Find out which types of posts and content have been most popular.

Reach out to influencers: Find influencers and share their content, tag or mention them, or comment on their blogs. when you make connections, they share your content with their followers.

Put social share buttons on each blog post: include social media share buttons on each blog post, not just in your sidebar.

Be responsive: make sure you respond to questions, comments, and complaints in a timely manner.

find and follow others actively: Don’t just count on others to find you; go out and actively find others whom you can follow and engage with.

As I said there are more ways to help you to increase the number of your followers, make sure you choose the ones that works better for you.

I will be happy if I can help you or hear about you.

Top five tips for using #Hashtags


If you use social media, you see the hashtag symbol # a lot. People usually use it to identify message on a specific topic on social media. It also allows people to easily follow topics they are interested in by using hashtag sign plus the topic they are looking for.

There are plenty of reasons that you may want to use hashtags on your social media. I will provide some tips for making good usage of hashtag:

  • Be unique and creative:

    The more unique a hashtag is the easier it is to spread and memorize. You can create your own words based on the topic you are posting but keep it in mind that it is better to be short and make sense.
  • Be specific:

    be careful not to choose vague words or phrases. The more specific and targeted your hashtags are, the more opportunities your target audience will have to see you.
  • Look for what’s trending:

    Whenever there is a trending topic or hashtag about your topic on social media, you can use that hashtag in order to increase your traffic too. There are some tools that give you hashtag suggestions based on real-time data when you make a social media post.
  • Use it less:

      it is better to keep your hashtags count to less than 10 per post. Also, be careful not to use too many or the same hashtags in all your captions because it may hide your content from those who don’t follow you (shadow ban). 
  •  Make it more readable:

    Note that hashtags are not case sensitive. However, it is a good practice to avoid using space and punctuation when you use hashtags. Instead, you can use capital letters to make a longer hashtag easier for your users to read.

I will be glad if I hear your opinions and suggestions.

Be aware of click-baits while browsing social media

Many times, when I am browsing social media, I run into some headings that sounds attractive to me. I click on them right away to read or watch the content, but I find something that is neither attractive nor related to that topic.I am sure that it happens to you too since there are a lot of these click-baits on the social media and internet.So, what is a click-bait?

Click-bait is a headline that encourages you to click on the link to an article, image, or video. In fact, click-bait headlines appeal to viewers emotions and curiosity instead of presenting objective facts. People use click-bait a lot to draw in as many clicks as possible to earn more money from advertisers.

Reasons that you can’t resist to click on a click-bait

Sometimes you do know about click-baits and try to avoid them. However, after a while of browsing on internet you cannot resist and click on them. After a while you will feel disappointed that you can’t help yourself not clicking on these attractive click-baits. You should know that there is nothing to feel sorry about. They name it click-bait because it baits you. There are some reasons that humans get attracted and click on them:

  • Curiosity
  • Getting more information about topic
  • Attractive headings
  • Memorable and funny images

How can you recognize click-baits?

You can find clickbait through an appalling headline or image, but it is not always this easy. Sometimes it is difficult to find out the difference between a clickbait and a permitted headline.

There are a few common elements used in a clickbait content:

  •  vague headlines
  • vague images that let your imagination run wild
  •  shock and outrage usage to grab your attention
  • numbered lists

Many links use a combination of these elements to lure you into clicking.

I am looking forward to reviving your comments, suggestions, and your ideas.

Your activity time on the Instagram

A while ago a friend of mine pointed out that we can see how much time we spend daily on Instagram by going to the “activity time” under the “setting” menu.

This tool made me curious to know which Instagram contents draw my attention more during a day. Paying more attention to posts and stories on Instagram, I realized that there are many contents under different categories, such as education or entertainment, that I spent most of my time on.

In general, I spend 30 minutes each day on the Instagram. I use it for various purposes such as following my family members’ and friends’ posts and stories, and being aware of their moods, feelings, and current preoccupations. In addition, I use Instagram to read and watch news, watch tutorial videos on my favorite subjects, and watch videos that convey positive feelings. This is how I use Instagram, personally. However, I know that there are more ways to spend your time while you are using this application.

I think that the time each person spend on the Instagram may affect their feelings in a negative or positive way. To me, it is the content of a stream that a user would like to follow that influence their feelings in a certain way.

“Great Instagram post ideas promote your brand and engages your followers—all while giving them something they can’t help but share with others.

But it is not enough to just post any picture or video. You need to separate yourself from the pack and give your followers unique and creative content they can’t get anywhere else.”

Tony Tran

If you are a person who post and share your moments with others on Instagram, it’s better to choose the best ones because it may affect your viewers.

Everything about Facebook

There is a question that has engrossed me for a while. The question, that may be yours as well, is: what is the most popular social media site in the world while there are a lot of these sites that try to improve their offers and be the best one?

I think Facebook is the most popular network app in the word. As such, it is not such a bad idea to get more familiar with this world’s favorite social media site.

 According to the Wikipedia, Facebook is an American online social media site and a social networking service. Mark Zuckerberg founded it on February 4, 2004; about 16 years ago.

Facebook’s mission is to bring the world closer together by giving its users the opportunity to build a community. Usually, people use Facebook to stay connected with their friends and families, to discover what is going on in the world, to build a business, and to express and share their ideas.

The latest statistics shows that there are about 2.45 billion monthly active users (as of September 2019) in this networking site. If we consider this social media site as a country it will be the third populated country in the world after China and India.

The company tries to be update and provide new things to still be the most favorite site. For example, one of their last activities was to introduce a way to manage the time. They announced it on August 1, 2018. They developed this initiative to help people to have more control of their time while they are using this app. To use this tool, you only need to go to the “settings page” on Facebook and hit “Your Time on Facebook”. At the top, you will see a dashboard that shows the average time you spent on this app. Beneath that there is an option to set an alert if you do not like to exceed a certain amount of time on the app.

About social media …

This is my very first blog where I will write about social media and any thing that I found interesting in this field. These materials might be useful for anyone who is interested in social media. Reading and understanding some tips about social media is very helpful specially in this all-about technology world.