Top five tips for using #Hashtags


If you use social media, you see the hashtag symbol # a lot. People usually use it to identify message on a specific topic on social media. It also allows people to easily follow topics they are interested in by using hashtag sign plus the topic they are looking for.

There are plenty of reasons that you may want to use hashtags on your social media. I will provide some tips for making good usage of hashtag:

  • Be unique and creative:

    The more unique a hashtag is the easier it is to spread and memorize. You can create your own words based on the topic you are posting but keep it in mind that it is better to be short and make sense.
  • Be specific:

    be careful not to choose vague words or phrases. The more specific and targeted your hashtags are, the more opportunities your target audience will have to see you.
  • Look for what’s trending:

    Whenever there is a trending topic or hashtag about your topic on social media, you can use that hashtag in order to increase your traffic too. There are some tools that give you hashtag suggestions based on real-time data when you make a social media post.
  • Use it less:

      it is better to keep your hashtags count to less than 10 per post. Also, be careful not to use too many or the same hashtags in all your captions because it may hide your content from those who don’t follow you (shadow ban). 
  •  Make it more readable:

    Note that hashtags are not case sensitive. However, it is a good practice to avoid using space and punctuation when you use hashtags. Instead, you can use capital letters to make a longer hashtag easier for your users to read.

I will be glad if I hear your opinions and suggestions.

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